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How do I control my tado° Heat Pump Optimizer X from the tado° app?
How do I control my tado° Heat Pump Optimizer X from the tado° app?
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Written by tado°
Updated over a month ago

Once you’ve installed the Heat Pump Optimizer X, you’ll get access to your heating schedule and more features in the tado° app.

Heating and Hot Water schedules

In the Home Screen, select the Heating tile to access your heating schedules and other functions. If your heat pump controls domestic hot water, a Hot Water tile will also appear. It gives you access to hot water schedules.

You can still use your original heat pump controller for manual functions and cooling.

Room Guided mode vs Heat Pump Guided mode

Room Guided mode is the default and recommended setting if you have tado° temperature-sensing devices, like a Smart Radiator Thermostat X or Smart Thermostat X, in addition to your Heat Pump Optimizer X. Room Guided mode optimizes your heat pump’s activity for efficiency based on your individual room schedules, manual controls, and the actual temperature in each room.

Room Guided mode makes subtle adjustments to save energy, thanks to the temperature feedback sent from the multiple room devices.

Some adjustments include:

  • slowing the rise of temperature when your rooms have nearly reached their target temperature

  • putting your heat pump on standby after 30 minutes at the target temperature

Heat Pump Guided mode is recommended if you want to heat your whole home equally, or if you only have a tado° Heat Pump Optimizer X.

To switch between Room Guided mode and Heat Pump Guided mode in the tado° app:

  1. Select the Heating tile.

  2. Select the calendar icon in the top right corner of the screen.

Schedules and Manual Control

Select the Heating tile to manually adjust the temperature. To access your heating schedule, tap the calendar icon in the top right corner of the screen.

Setting your heating schedule

The default temperatures listed in this section are based on the capabilities of your heat pump’s particular make and model.

If the Heat Pump Optimizer X is your only tado° product, you can set a target room temperature and tado° will estimate how much your heat pump should heat. You can improve the accuracy of your room temperature reading by adding tado° temperature-sensing devices (e.g., Smart Thermostats or Smart Radiator Thermostats) that will send feedback to your heat pump.

If you have other tado° devices, multiple devices will work together to measure the temperature throughout your home.

Changing the temperature manually

You can manually control your heat pump’s activity in the tado° app. Simply move the temperature slider up or down. You can adjust your manual settings to indicate when your heating system should resume its heating schedule after manual changes.

Setting your Hot Water schedule

Select the Hot Water tile to manage the heating schedule for your domestic hot water.

On this screen, you can switch between your hot water schedule and OFF. You can manage your hot water schedule by tapping on the calendar icon in the top right corner of the screen.

Boost Hot Water

You can also select Boost Hot Water if you want a full tank of hot water right away.


In the tado° app My Home Screen, you can select Balance and Energy IQ for settings and reports related to your heat pump’s activity. If you already have other tado° products, you’ll find additional skills relating to room temperature control.

Balance for Heat Pumps

Balance for Heat Pumps is a loadshifting subscription service that can take into account your electricity tariff, Photovoltaic (PV) system, and the outdoor temperature to optimize the use of your heat pump.

To activate the Balance subscription, select the Balance tile that appears on the tado° Home Screen, or go to Settings > Balance in the app.

Energy IQ

If you have Balance or Auto-Assist, you can check your energy cost/consumption report in Energy IQ. You can access it by selecting the Energy IQ tile from the tado° Home Screen.

Savings summary shows your savings with tado° over the last month.

Heat Pump Settings

You can adjust your heat pump’s heat curve to save energy and improve your heat pump’s efficiency. To do so, follow these steps in the tado° app:

  1. Go to Settings.

  2. Select Heat Pump under the Home section.

  3. Select Heating Optimization, then choose the mode that works best for you. For more details about the estimated savings for each mode, please visit How can I improve my heat pump’s heat curve with tado°?

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