Water-based underfloor heating systems are usually controlled by one wired thermostat per room and supplied by one central boiler, or district heating. tado° Smart Thermostats can replace these existing room thermostats. If you have multiple rooms with underfloor heating, you will need one Wired Smart Thermostat for each room that you would like to control with tado°.
These heating systems can be controlled with either of the following setups:
1. Smart Thermostats control all rooms with water-based underfloor heating (recommended)
Smart Thermostats individually measure and control the temperature in each room.
This setup allows for the ideal temperature control and ensures the boiler does not turn on unnecessarily.
You’ll need the following tado° devices:
Smart Thermostat X for each additional room
2. Smart Thermostats control some rooms with water-based underfloor heating
Smart Thermostats control each room with underfloor heating independently. tado° controls the valve that regulates the flow of water into the room where the device is installed.
Rooms without Smart Thermostats remain controlled by conventional room thermostats.
You’ll need the following tado° devices:
Smart Thermostat X for each additional room that you want to control