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Fix problems with tado° devices
When installing tado°, the app says that my device is already registered. How can I fix this?
When installing tado°, the app says that my device is already registered. How can I fix this?
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Written by tado°
Updated over a week ago

This could happen if your devices are already registered in a different tado° Home. Here’s what you need to do to proceed with the installation and start using your devices (depending on how you bought them):

If you bought your devices from one of our retail partners, please send us a copy (pdf or jpg) of your invoice along with pictures (pdf or jpg) of the devices with their serial numbers clearly visible, via chat.

If you bought second-hand devices, please send us a proof of purchase along with pictures (pdf or jpg) of the devices with their serial numbers and auth. codes clearly visible, via chat. Tap the round orange icon in the bottom right-hand corner to open a chat.

If you moved into a house with a tado° system already in place, please send us your tado° account email along with pictures (pdf or jpg) of the devices with their serial numbers clearly visible via chat. Tap the round orange icon in the bottom right-hand corner to open a chat.

Please note: due to security concerns and our privacy policy, we cannot share the contact details of any tado° user.

If you need help configuring your devices once you’ve added them to your tado° Home, you can contact us via chat specifying the exact step you were facing issues with.

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